Purple Velvet Plant – Gynura aurantiaca. It’s already hard to diagnose a plant when you’re there to see it, and when you’re sitting behind a computer screen it becomes very hard to pinpoint what went wrong somewhere! See my tips for growing this pretty houseplant here. Purple passion plants like high humidity. Why not take several cuttings and share some with your friends? The purple passion plant is most often propagated by cuttings, which root quickly as long as a few important growing conditions are maintained. This happens if you purchase through an affiliate link but the price is the same for you. Temperature is usually between 63° and 72°F. @2015 - PenciDesign. Its purple-colored leaves contain acylated anthocyanins which have potential to be natural food colorants. The stems of this plant are easy to root. Java.—A handsome foliage plant. Gynura Varieties to Grow. Houseplants / / Purple Velvet Plant (Gynura Aurantiaca) Growing and Caring Tips. Cuttings may be taken at any time and will root year round if provided with sufficient warmth and humidity. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; The specific epithet 'aurantiaca' means orange-colored, referring to its flower ... Small Gardens, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, Container Planting, Hanging Basket: Plant Care and Propagation. amzn_assoc_linkid = "56f495b1ca2262388d548e13e574084b"; I have tried it both ways but find that rooting cuttings in water are a slightly less successful technique for something with soft stems. They survived for months like this but when planting them on they died. I bought a couple of these last month. Problems with Calathea | Yellow leaves, curling, drooping... Chinese money plant care & info | Pilea peperomioides. Sound familiar? New cuttings cannot take the same amount of light that established plants can. No problem as long as it’s a non-toxic plant and especially if they aren’t prone to nibbling the leaves. The Gynura sarmentosa begins its growth as an upright plant. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission from the sale, but the price is the same for you. Gynura aurantiaca is a heavy feeder and can be fertilized once a week during the growing season. To propagate your purple passion, simply remove a few stem tops and place them in a pot with moist, loamy potting mix. Family Asteraceae . The plant is also similar to an African violet in that it doesn’t like the leaves to get too wet. The others name of this gynura leaves that maybe we always hear are Ngokilo, sambung nyawa ( Java People), daun dewa (Jawa Tengah), San qi cao (China) and gynura procumbens. There are lots of plant propagation methods, but stem cutting propagation is one of the easiest to do for beginners. That leaves us with a droopy, dry plant with no bottom leaves. You can do it one of two ways – by keeping the stem in water until roots develop and then planting them in soil or by using soil from the start. Water again so that the soil is evenly moist. Some artificial lighting and a humidifier can already make a big difference. Gynura aurantiaca (Blume) DC ‘Purple Passion’ is an important ornamental foliage plant. Its purple-colored leaves contain acylated anthocyanins which have potential to be natural food colorants. I could not even save cuttings from them. Although purple passion does appreciate regular waterings, root rot will quickly develop if the plant is left standing in water for too long. Your email address will not be published. You should also try to avoid anything below 59 °F/15 °C. This will provide a humid environment around the plant. See my general tips for plant propagation here. The leaves of a purple passion plant have many similarities to those of African violets. The Purple Velvet Plant will add an exotic touch to any collection of green and variegated house plants. This will give me extra plants to share with friends and perhaps I can revive the original. Stem cuttings are just one type of plant propagation. Honestly, why do cats do the things they do? This will allow you to insert the stem cutting without damaging the cutting tip. Place the plant pot on a saucer filled with rocks and keep water under the level of the rocks. The flowers of Gynura aurantiaca are often reported to be malodorous. If you’re looking for more pet-safe plants be sure to have a look at the article on houseplants that are non-toxic to cats. Gynura sarmentosa má nachově zbarvené listy, Gynuta aurantiaca má listy větší a již není tak pohledná : Původ: roste v teplých a vlhkých lesích ostrova Jáva : Druh: převislá pokojová rostlina This plant is commonly known as "purple passion" because of the velvety purple leaves. However, I … This little bottle terrarium is made from a large coke bottle and will give my cuttings just the right amount of humidity to help them to grow. Could it have been the location? The coloring is not actually contained in the stems and leaves, but on tiny, purple, hair-like growths that emerge from them. Purple Velvet Plant (Gynura Aurantiaca) Growing and Caring Tips. (or both!). Look for a healthy stem and cut a piece of it off about 2-3 inches from the top. See my tips for growing this pretty houseplant here. The leaves are carried on long purple stems which are also covered with fine, downy hair. Hi Carol. Gynura aurantiaca, planta de hoja vellosa. Also, anytime you pinch out the growing tips to encourage bushiness, you have the opportunity to propagate Gynura Aurantiaca! Gynura is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family Asteraceae endemic to Asia. Examine the plant underneath the leaves to make sure it is a healthy host plant. To propagate, you will need completion of a stem a minimum of numerous inches long. I have always kept all of them in a typical windowsill location (near a radiator, bit draughty at times, with morning sunlight filtered through a net curtain). Cuttings can be taken any time of the year, but doing them in spring and summer when the plant is actively in its growing season will give faster results. Your email address will not be published. Gynura es un género de plantas de Asia perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae., subfamilia Asteroideae, tribu Senecioneae.La especie más conocida es Gynura aurantiaca, así llamada por el color naranja de sus inflorescencias.. Comprende 160 especies descritas y de estas, solo 47 aceptadas. Polka dot plant propagation | In water or... Propagating arrowhead plant | In water or soil! Even under the best of care, purple velvet plant will only last a few years. If you’re looking for a plant suitable for a hanging planter, its relative Gynura sarmentosa might be a good choice! The trailing habit and high need for humidity often has you ending up with a leggy plant, even if you keep on top of the watering. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. ... Propagation. I earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you if you purchase through an affiliate link. Purple Velvet Plant (Gynura Aurantiaca) – Simple Caring Guide. Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’ and ‘Sarmentosa’ are commonly sold. During the winter months you can reduce fertilizing to once a … No tengo la cámara cerca, pero a ver si tengo suerte y podéis identificarmela sólo con la descripción. This popular plant gets its common names from the deep purple coloring of the stems and leaves. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Pruning Gynura. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Or alternatively, keep them in water permanently if you continue to struggle with the species. The best known species is Gynura aurantiaca, often grown as a house plant. Cuidados de la planta Gynura aurantiaca, Ginura o Planta de terciopelo: El género Gynura pertenece a la familia de las Compuestas y está integrado por plantas trepadoras, arbustivas y vivaces originarias de zonas tropicales de África y Asia. I pinch back the growing tips if enough leaves are left to encourage the plant to get bushy again and/or. Deja un comentario Cancelar la respuesta. Keep reading for everything you need to know about purple passion care and growing purple passion at home! amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "thegarcoo-20"; If you have any more questions about purple passion or want to share your own experiences with this fuzzy purple houseplant, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! Watering is one of the trickier parts of purple passion care, as this plant does need plenty of moisture and will quickly start looking sad and droopy when deprived of water but doesn’t respond well to wet feet. Propagate Gynura by stem cuttings taken in summer. Gynura is occasionally bothered by aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, and spider mites. These are really beautiful and unusual plants, very fast-growing, with furry leaves in striking colors. densely clothed with violet or purple hairs: lvs. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.". A piece of the stem is inserted in a growing medium and will grow roots to form a new plant. Gynura aurantiaca has an upright growth pattern, which means it’s best suited to a regular pot. Synonyms Gynura sarmentosa. Did you check the roots on the dead ones for signs of rot? During the growing season you can use a diluted liquid houseplant fertilizer every month or so to encourage your purple passion’s growth. By mistake i sprayed my plant, luckily leaves are ok so far. They might already have been doing badly. aurantica, often known as velvet plant, purple passion plant, or simply gynura. Propagation Purple passion is easily propagated by stem cuttings. So sorry to hear you didn’t have much luck with your purple passions! Hurrah! In horticulture, the cutting is used for vegetative (asexual) propagation. Gynura Aurantiaca is prone to spider mites and mealy bugs. Good luck, I hope it works out better in the future. Nuestra protagonista es una planta cuyo nombre científico es Gynura aurantiaca, pero que se la conoce más como Planta del terciopelo u Ortiga de terciopelo.Es originaria del Sureste asiático, donde puede llegar a crecer como un arbusto de hasta 1 metro de altura, pero no sobrepasa los 50cm si está en maceta.. Might get a “threefer” in a few weeks! In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. The seller said avoid keeping them wet or waterlogged so I only watered the plants when the soil was dry as I did with my previous gynuras and yet these new plants flopped and died. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Cuando las plantas tienen más de dos años su aspecto es desordenado, feo , por lo que hay que sustituirlas por plantas jóvenes. The leaves are in good shape, the cutting has a few inches of intact stem that is not soggy and there is no evidence of any bugs underneath the leaves. Purple passion is not the most common houseplant but you should be able to find or order it at some plant stores or garden centers. Gynura procumbens is another hanging variety with trailing stems up to 6 feet long and deep burgundy colored leaf bottoms. Take stem cuttings with sharp, sterile pruning shears. Nice to know…. 🙂. When this happens to me, I do one of two things. My previous Purple Passion Plants lived for 3+ years and produced flowers which I thought meant I was doing something right. In fact, care should be taken to prevent the plant from being exposed to high temperatures. Can you help with any suggestions please. The plant likes high humidity but too much water on the leaves can make them rot.). Gynura Propagation. I tried to take cuttings from the new plants that died last month but the cuttings just flopped and died – no roots were put out. A few species are produced as interiorscape plants due to their colorful velvety foliage. Be sure your existing plant is free from disease. A velvet plant shoot will transform into a bushy little plant in a matter of a few weeks, shooting up in a lovely profusion of downy purple leaves that measure up to 6 inches long. Purple Passion Plant Cuttings – How to Propagate Gynura Aurantiaca from Stem Cuttings. I feel better know more details about the Purple Passion! Deciding to settle Gynura Aurantiaca in your home, most likely you will get a small stalk, which for successful growth you need to provide proper care. When the plant gives roots that reach at least 2 cm, the purple passion can be planted in a … (the cuttings can easily rot as you wait for them to root.) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Did I underwater them? Nombre científico o latino: Gynura aurantiaca Nombre común o vulgar: Ginura, Ortiga de terciopelo, Planta del terciopelo [2] [3 Water the soil medium and poke a hole in the soil, using the tip of a pencil. I just poked a small hole on either side of the stem cutting and inserted the leaves. The plant comes originally from Java, in Indonesia, so it needs a frost-free position in shade or part-shade, with sufficient moisture. Purple passion plant cuttings root very easily and I’ll be showing you how to propagate it today. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Posted by SongofJoy (Clarksville, TN - Zone 6b) on Nov 23, 2011 2:39 PM. Purple passion is non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Sometimes known as purple velvet plant, Gynura aurantiaca is a rambling, shrubby perennial from the broad Asteraceae family. I normally use rooting hormone powder when I take cuttings of houseplants. Its interesting leaf coloration and relatively easy care make it a great addition to any colorful houseplant collection. As long as the leaves of the plant don’t get soaked, one time will not be a problem in most cases. If necessary, the plant can be repotted during Springtime, although it’s usually a better idea to take some cuttings and re-root these as a single purple passion won’t last more than a few years. tips for growing this pretty houseplant here, ← Wooden Succulent Arrangement – Upcycled Junk Gardening Planter for Succulents, 15 Tested Tips for Using, Storing and Growing Shallots →. Since that plant can also root from leaf cuttings, I’m going to use my two left over leaves and try my hand at rooting those too. Gynura aurantiaca (Blume) DC ‘Purple Passion’ is an important ornamental foliage plant. These projections also give the plant a velvety feel. Gynura Aurantiaca – also known as purple passion plant or purple velvet plant is an easy to grow houseplant with soft velvety leaves. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful. I had a this plant and it died, and I want to try again, but having a very hard time finding any purple passions, or even cutting where I live, in Ontario and I cant find anywhere online to buy in Canada, only stateside. As for cuttings, it is harsh for them to switch from water to soil, so maybe you’re best off dipping them in some rooting hormone and placing them directly into soil. Fill a 4 inch pot with some seed starting soil or a mixture of half peat, and a quarter each of chopped bark and perlite. Required fields are marked *. I take cuttings if the plant is just too scraggly and start over again. Propagating Gynura aurantiaca. There are lots of other ways to get new plants for free by using leaves and roots, as well as dividing the plant and layering it. Stout and branchy, 2-3 ft., with almost succulent sts. Room temperature should be fine for Gynura aurantiaca. Its close relation, the Gynura aurantiaca or Velvet plant, is similar to the G. sarmentosa except its shape, which is more upright and shrubby. We start out with a vibrant, thick and healthy plant and then forget to water it. Gynura Aurantiaca – also known as purple passion plant or purple velvet plant is an easy to grow houseplant with soft velvety leaves. Gynura Species: aurantiaca Family: Asteraceae Life Cycle: Perennial Recommended Propagation Strategy: Stem Cutting Country Or Region Of Origin: Sumatera to Jawa Climbing Method: Twining Dimensions: Height: 1 ft. 0 in. amzn_assoc_title = ""; A stem cutting is a piece of the main straight part of the plant to which the leaves attach themselves. Propagation is an essential part of purple passion care: this plant usually only lasts for a few years, so if you want to keep growing it you’ll have to take cuttings and re-root these when your plant reaches maturity. Grow the cuttings in a small closed terrarium. When I bought many of these plants from the garden centre previously, the soil was very wet and the plants flopped and died a few days later. All Right Reserved. It doesn’t mind lower light which makes it idea for growing indoors. The exact amount of water it needs is (as always) dependent on the amount of light it gets as well as your soil mixture and drainage, but try to keep the soil slightly moist during the growing months (Spring through Fall) and let it dry a bit more between waterings during Wintertime. If your plant develops the yellow flowers, it normally means that it is reaching maturity, so taking cuttings is a good idea then. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Gynura aurantiaca, llamada pasión púrpura o planta terciopelo, es una especie de fanerógama de la familia Asteraceae.Es nativa del Sudeste de Asia pero crece en muchos otros lugares como planta de interior. They do like to be kept lightly moist, though it is true that waterlogging can cause issues. Copyright & Permissions © 2020 – Carol G Speake. It happens to all of us, I’m sure. glad to know that the purple passion plant is non toxit for my cats. Click to see our Privacy policy. Be sure to keep the soil evenly moist by watering lightly just as it starts to dry out. First off, I’m not completely in agreement with letting these plants’ soil dry out before watering again. Gynura aurantiaca. The Gardening Cook is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate Program. Propagation is a necessary part of growing this plant if you want to keep it around for a … Gynura Aurantiaca: care tips. (Best way), Use a plant mister to spray the plant lightly to keep it humid. It has larger leaves, but it is more upright and less attractive. The temperature doesn’t sound problematic to me and while these do appreciate humidity it’s not something I’d fuss over too much personally. Gynura belongs to the family Compositae and comprises about 50 species indigenous to the humid tropics of Africa, Malaysia, China, Vietnam, and Thailand.Gynura was first described in 1838. So, today, I will show you how to take stem cuttings that get started directly in soil. La Gynura aurantiaca es una planta originaria de la India y África occidental y está caracterizada por largos tallos rastreros que le otorgan un porte expandido. I keep mine in the kitchen near a window but not directly sitting in the sun. LOL yes indeed. - 4 ft. 0 in. Most indoor plants take well from stem cuttings. When supplied with plenty of indirect light the plant’s purple leaf coloration should become darker and more intense. It doesn’t mind lower light which makes it idea for growing indoors. What could I have done to save them? How do I look after and propagate new Purple Passion Plants? Designed and Developed by PenciDesign, Gynura aurantiaca | Purple passion care & info, Seagrass and jute plant baskets (Set of 2). - 2 ft. 0 in. I’m pretty sure we’ll never know! Not photoshopped either. Learn how your comment data is processed. 2. Remove all but the top four leaves on a cutting this size. we have one male and one female, my mal kitten loves to gtinto the middlle of my plantand lay in the middle, why does he do that. If you don’t have any well-lit, humid spots available don’t worry too much. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Hi Alina. Anyway; what I’m trying to say is that aside from maybe the watering, it sounds like you did pretty well with these. Insert the cutting in the soil and press it close around the stem. First, it can be placed in water for rooting. One type of plant propagation | in water or soil are ok so far recommended strength it... Plants in the Amazon affiliate Program but when planting them on they.... Or soil have the opportunity to propagate, you will need completion of a purple plant! Continue to struggle with the species of care, purple passion plant produces flowers in soil... Planting them on they died also, anytime you pinch out the Gynura sarmentosa begins its growth as an growth! 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