Saints Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Protomartyr of the Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith, pray for us. The Secular Franciscan Order is a true order of the Roman Catholic Church for lay people and clergy who are seeking to live a more committed Christian life. The Secular Franciscan Order belongs to the Franciscan Family and is "formed by the organic union of all the Catholic fraternities. Saint Louis, King of France, Patron of the Third Order, (1270 – Aug 25) pray for us! December 15. 04 October. In commemoration of that day, all the saints of the Franciscan (Seraphic) Order are remembered each November 29th. Small in stature and having an extrovert personality, Francis always had in his heart the desire to do great things. Congregations of these religious men and women are numerous all over the Roman Catholic world, and the Franciscans are the largest religious order in the Roman Catholic Church. The Franciscan order is one of the four great mendicant orders of the church, and its members strive to cultivate the ideals of poverty and charity. Bl. The Secular Franciscan Order, prior to 1978 also known as the Third Order Secular of Saint Francis, is an order founded by St. Francis in 1212 for brothers and sisters who do not live in a religious community. The Latin title Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis is the international name of the worldwide Order. St. Francis of Assisi, Founder of the Franciscan Order, Patron of Italy. Bl. All you holy priests of the First Franciscan Order… 15. Saint Elzear of Sabran, (1323 – Sep 26) pray for us! Saint Roch of Montpellier, (1327 – Aug 16) pray for us! Members of the order continue to live secular lives, however they do gather regularly for fraternal activities. Further Reading. James of the March, priest, I Order — Memorial: 29. Saint Ferdinand, King of Castile and Leon (1252 – May 30) pray for us! Mary Frances Schervier, virgin, III Order (For the III Order) This is the Franciscan Calendar -- I believe some of the Beati have since (1975, when the book was copyright) been canonized, but I'm not sure which ones (except St Maximilian Kolbe (14-Aug), so I "upgraded" him). Bl. Saints John Jones and John Wall, Martyrs of England, pray for us. ALL SAINTS OF THE SERAPHIC ORDER — Feast: December: 15. All you holy men of the Third Franciscan Order, pray for us! For Franciscan Saints and blesseds at the time of St. Pius X, see the online Catholic Encyclopedia c/o Por dos grandes Santorales Franciscanos en Espanol va al OFMVal y al BEBF Those who were members or affiliated with the OFM can be found at the OFM Postulator General 1,3). Commemoration of all the Deceased of the Seraphic Order — Memorial: 26. San Francesco d'Assisi (© Musei Vaticani) A young man with great aspirations. Saint Maximilian Kolbe OFM; St Clare : Full of Faith Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Martyr of Auschwitz, pray for us. ALL SAINTS OF THE SERAPHIC ORDER -- Feast . We, the members are moved by the Holy Spirit and commit ourselves through profession to live the Gospel after the manner of St. Francis in our secular state following the Rule approved by the Church" ( Const. James Villa of Castelpieve, Secular Franciscan priest and martyr of Lombardy, d. 1304 Leonard of Port Maurice, priest, I Order — Memorial: 27. Bl. Secular Franciscan Order. Francis Anthony Fasani, priest, I Order: 28.