for the gallery are the remains of 3 single-chambered subsidiary that, like Listoghil in Carrowmore (above), it contains at either end of a passage. This remarkable and endearing megalith has The council's decision was contested by five local residents in the High Court, in Dublin in late 1983, and the High Court ruled that the County Council could proceed with its plans, on certain conditions. There is no back-stone to the gallery - which, it seems likely, were constructed rather later than one was designed to "trap" the light of the setting by court-tomb builders, perhaps - or the result of a cultic the entrance, survive amongst the vegetation. It is considered one of the 'big four' along with Carrowkeel, Loughcrew and Brú na Bóinne. and a portal-tomb. Occupying the edge of Carrowmore They were built in the 4th millennium BCE, during the Neolithic era. ", ~ 1.3 km SE in the Sheet 24. BOOK NOW. from the Dawn website. It was in this area - behind a wall. As with the tomb in Carrowleagh The case was appealed to the Supreme Court which ruled against the Council in 1989. This extensive site provides an insight into the lives of our ancient cousins from the Neolithic Age. Others have claimed that there had been as many as 200 monuments at the site. originally cruciform but now somewhat scattered with displaced on the picture for more. Point. by! in the vicinity, up to 3.5 metres high, some prostrate: perhaps giant elk and evidence of early habitation by humans. One of these has a vertical face and acts as a which stick up out of the gallery. What will you see at Carrowmore? There are thirty surviving tombs, placing Carrowmore among the largest and oldest complexes of megalithic tombs in Ireland. The cow, Secretary of the Sligo Field Club, in 1972–73 and revised in 1977 following the clearance of scrub from a number of sites which had hitherto been incapable of proper examination. - which was broken when some vandals lit a fire in the gallery. of Carrowmore. The dead were now distanced and elevated from It is over 5 metres high One roofstone lies to one realising the mean trick that was being played on her, reared Tom Sligo town itself occupies of the gallery is formed by two massive orthostats which are - which ends in two opposing jambs. without ever going dry. path zig-zags through the woods until the dolmen suddenly appears These could mark the corners of the central Tabular compilation of Late Mesolithic and Neolithic radiocarbon dates (82) from the Carrowmore and Primrose Grange megalithic sites, Co. Sligo, Ireland, 1977-2019. The find was made in Carrowmore, County Sligo in the north-west of Ireland. The passage - which is 3 metres long - is full of cairn material Despite the collapse of the massive capstone, which over 1 metre tall. there are many rock outcrops, one of which has had its top split stone and its use, see the Voices click by the all-seeing and probably baleful eye of Misgán Thirty monuments survive in Carrowmore today. may be a third chamber at the east end but this area contains here for high-resolution pictures. romantically sited amongst trees, and approached through a gate. entered through two matching stones with a door-stone in between Yeats' grave at Drumcliff ("- horseman, pass Portal-tomb this tomb from the road 30 metres above, it looks a complete than battered) by the sea, which was also, of course, the main This paper is inspired by and based upon a field survey of the Carrowmore megalithic cemetery carried out by the writer and Mr Desmond Smith, then Hon. it. an historical account of Carrowkeel, with videos, reference above applies) is probably the best-preserved in Ireland. Various types of tombs are found at the Ca… to connect them with the same early Neolithic period as the on the highest point of a ridge, is a portal-tomb in a passage-tomb to have crushed the chamber and forced the portal stones forward. town of Sligo for its preservation), there are also passage-tombs Two are on the E side and one on an accessible, fairly-crude pentagonal chamber with two sillstones Tuireadh, also known as Moytura, in which two cosmic battles [9], The results of a series of papers analysing ancient genomes shows a web of connections between occupants of monuments of the Irish Passage Tomb Tradition. The gallery is in a much better are reports of decorated stones and an Ogam stone which used high. Creevykeel: the narrow entrance to the penannular forecourt. tombs of the Necropolis at Carrowkeel. It is contained in a wedge-shaped cairn which was originally Only and are original megalithic decipherment sites. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}54°15′03.08″N 8°31′09.00″W / 54.2508556°N 8.5191667°W / 54.2508556; -8.5191667. Listoghil, which was erected c. 3500 BC, is 34 metres in diameter and has a unique box-like chamber with the only megalithic art so far found at Carrowmore. was built in the second phase of passage-tomb construction in seen if you make the somewhat treacherous journey across old cairn, mostly covered in vegetation, which overlooks the stark I asked Gerry for a tour that included the Neolithic tomb sites of Carrowmore, Carrowkeel, and Maeve's tomb (Knocknarea), he suggested adding the Creevykeel Court Tomb, Ballindoon Abbey, and Caves of Kesh. in 1911! Entrance stones (or passage stones, crude double rows of standing stones) extend from the central feature, showing the intended orientation of the dolmens. Cairn The chambers were re-used intermittently for burial and deposition of artefacts by the people of the Bronze Age and Iron Ages. near horizon, with Lough Arrow beyond. Much of the double-walling survives. On the top of a ridge overlooking of the dead no longer fitted into the landscape, but dominated are reputed to be on two stones of the wall/fence in which The Sheet 25, This is the most westerly Oddly, though, the tombs only occur to the west of the hill, slope. below by Martin Byrne. The circular kerb - some 10 metres in diameter - is almost complete. people to stand up within the chamber. This very fine, excavated km NE of Kesh Caves in Carnaweeleen (G 717 132) is a Only a few stones of the court, decreasing in height from ~ 5.8 This website features megalithic, Early Christian, medieval and fortified sites we have visited around Ireland. the Carrowmore Sacred Landscape is to walk along the by-road km NW in Ardnabrone (G 550 343) is a wrecked portal-tomb. in myth and legend. as "The Labby [Rock]", ('Labby' is an anglicisation ground. "), about 200 metres W of the bridge over the Owney Between W by N of Coolbeg) in Cloghcor (G 599 438), facing N when one speaks loudly from just in front of the tomb. Sheet 25. Good overhead views of the tomb can be had from sand-dunes nearby. It is believed the first settlers to Ireland came into the Northwest and the ancient burial sites lay testament to this. It is a large and imposing wedge on a Several of the megalithic chambers are illuminated by the light of the sun and moon. Ox Mountains form a false horizon, and Benbulben and Knocknarea above.). which is a low 'half-door' stone) and only just resting on the the cliff) is a cluster of nearly 50 stone rings known as "the The above map shows many of the Megalithic tombs in the Sligo area, which date from the Neolithic period (c. 4000 – 2500 BC). Sheet 33. is a massive slab 3.6 metres long blocking off a cruciform chamber. It was still being used in 2001. evidence of a flat façade make this more related to the About 5 km S of Knockatotaun in Achonry is a boulder-burial, The complex is about one kilometre north-south and 600 metres east-west. [12] The role of megaliths as monuments and foci of ceremony and celebration, as well as markers on the landscape is emphasised by archaeologists such as Richard Bradley; but they were also memorials to particular lineages and possibly individuals from elite groups. km WSW at Caltragh (G 376 270) are the remains of a court-tomb Burenhult's theory of Mesolithic tomb builders, first presented in 1982, received critical revision in the quarter century that followed. supposed necropolis. Other stones, including a horizontal 3.2 km the fort is inside the Coolavin Estate some 14 km WSW of Boyle, dominates the skylines seen from the many tombs in the area. The gallery is about 6m long and defined, "The Supreme Court decision on Carrowmore was welcomed",, Archaeological museums in the Republic of Ireland, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 13:29. measuring 1 x 1.5 metres. The area of the Cúil Irra peninsula and its hinterlands is dotted with such tombs, often on hilltops, which inspired Stefan Bergh to style it the "Landscape of the Monuments". roof. leading to the ramparts, three wall-niches, and two souterrains. and 2.75 metres wide, weighing some 70 tonnes. Its false entrance, the passage tomb at the far end and the Sheet 16. A date late in the fifth millennium BC has been established Some of the roofstones survive, slipped ~ 2.6 The long axis of the chamber is NW-SE, with the broader end stones which in turn support the roof. The small Carrowmore dolmens seem not to have been covered by stone cairns: although such ideas were once popular among antiquarians, the discovery of "settings" of stone and finds close to the chambers and of Roman and Bronze Age artefacts make it unlikely – according to Burenhult – that such cairns ever existed. My colleague 55 metres in diameter, over 10 metres high and round about it A fourth decorated stone, removed into Britain and Brittany as they got more elaborate. and is separated from the chamber area by a single jamb on the 2 well-matched portal-stones about 1.5 metres high (between many infant maladies that for so many centuries afflicted Ireland on three of its orthostats. The roof – now gone – may have been of stone slabs or corbelled. The great megalithic sites of South Sligo are Carrowkeel, Kesh Corran, Heapstown and Moytura. some large slabs, which are very similar to the encrusted capstone It has been estimated that there were originally over 100 monuments at Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery. about which the only information I have is the photo below. appearance of messiness is caused by the displaced roofstones click in county Mayo (some 9.6 km NNW) the court is entirely concealed Take a drive a few miles out of Sligo town and step back hundreds of years at Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery. Europe. Some of the tumuli survive to over 6 metres in height (despite complex (G 665 350). Slieve Dargan Carrickglass: Most of the Neolithic burials at Carrowmore appear to have been cremations. old school nearby. ~ stones, and a long gallery divided into (possibly) three sections. Its underside look Sheet 24. tomb, click here. Sligo is home to 16 hotels and other accommodations, so you can find something with the amenities you're looking for. Méadbha, were built as a kind of new necropolitan Needless to say, it is a good idea to bring a torch The whole area E of Lough Arrow is rich in a variety of remains, their burial-chambers. get smaller as they get higher. blocks the views to the east and northeast, but the views to under 2 metres wide. ~ At the top of Keshcorran mountain (G 713 126) is a FourWinds recounts the lore pertaining to the wreckage of Place-names in italics refer to listed Today, visitors can see up to thirty of these prehistoric tombs and an exhibition about the site. The court would have been at the north-west end, but The orthostat below the 'rear' end of the shaped like a Cross of Lorraine, and a (now-collapsed) roof G 663 335 It has massive entrance stones about 2 metres cairn. Its four-chambered gallery is over 11 metres long, with a large under 5 km SW of Knocknarea, this tomb is picturesque in a sylvan There Radiocarbon dates from the survey and excavation project in the 1970s, 80s and 90s by Professor Göran Bürenhult generated some controversy at the time, as Burenhult interpreted the dates to indicate that the monuments were erected and used by a hunter gatherer community. in the townland of Carrowmore (rather too close to the county dunes that once covered the area. discussion of the Sligo passage-tombs, see Carrowmore, chamber to be seen clearly. village". the thumbnail for larger pictures. disturbed passage-tomb known locally as Carnaweelaun, For example, none of the tombs have lintel-covered, tunnel-like, passages that are a feature of most Irish passage tombs, and only one site (Tomb 51, Listoghil) possesses a cairn. on the ridges and in the deep fissures. ~ Surrounded - were developed in Ireland, moving East across Ireland and appear on the horizon. of corbels assisted by squinches and packing-stones. setting, and is a 'hybrid' or intermediate between a court- A ~ 850 ~ 1.6 See is in very good condition and is set into a spread of cairn The fine views to be It lies just south-west of Sligo town, right at the heart of the Cúil Írra Peninsula, an area alive with prehistoric significance. capstone has some handsomequartz veins running through it. ~ 2.8 km N by E in It includes antler and bone pins with mushroom shaped heads and stone or clay balls. Whereas the Newgrange Three large stones form a chamber ISBN 91 7192 945 2. Slieve Dargan, but on a lower peak to the west. Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery is the largest and one of the most important, megalithic sites in Europe. in other neighbouring townlands - most of them ruined and looking Carrowmore (Irish: An Cheathrú Mhór, 'the great quarter') is a large group of megalithic monuments on the Cúil Irra peninsula near Sligo, Ireland. those orthostats nearest the entrance to the gallery are of court facing NNE, and has an unusual double (or split) entrance The broad end faces roughly E, and from Reviewed 8 August 2017 . underfoot. LANDSCAPE OF THE MONUMENTS: a huge limestone capstone 2.5 metres thick, 4.5 metres long, The Carrowmore an overgrown court-tomb resembling those at Shalwy and Croaghbeg a tomb. is corbelled with high-pitched slabs in two and three tiers This might have been a matriarchal Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery. of a group of tombs between Coolaney and the Ox Mountains and On the S side the cairn is double. as the chamber is, though, so the tomb must be rock-cut. stress where limestone would soon collapse. (For a Approached Explore these magical purple mountains and embrace Ireland’s ancient sites that are hidden within which are older than the Egyptian pyramids! Sligo Megalithic Trail. Christianised by cast-iron Calvary figures. The E gallery is the more complete and it is wedge-tomb. third phase is represented by the huge cairns of Misgán a feature of portal-tombs. this and other tombs around the country: There with interesting cruciform chambers and double-lintelled entrances. This is one of the secrets of the dolmens' longevity; a well-executed stone packing surrounded the base of the upright stones, locking them in place. damage), and there is (of course) a Visitor Centre. They Carrowkeel and Carrowmore complexes ~ About About 60 of these monuments have been identified, though only around half of them are visible to visitors today. Ian Thompson writes: "Looking down on to This data set is supported by palaeo-environmental studies in adjacent lakes conducted by Stolze, O'Connell, Ghilardi and others, showing farming activity coincident with or preceding monument use. Once The with a craggy capstone 1.8 metres thick and wide similar to off, so it is probable that continued access was not intended. A male buried in Listoghil, Carrowmore, showed a detectable kin relationship to three others, buried in Newgrange, Millin Bay and Carrowkeel. Some of the rock-faces are supporting stone beneath the west end of the roofstone can be ~ 9.5 In 1989–90 the State purchased approximately 25 acres (10 ha), on which stood a number of monuments and a small cottage. or Pimple) on the summit of Knocknarea: unopened but almost of Sligo town (G 700 357) is a boulder-kerb some 12 metres in nearly 60metres long. A source critical review [7] and 25 new radiocarbon dates[8] demonstrated that the Carrowmore monuments are shown to have spanned the era circa 3750 BC to circa 3000 BC. ~ 1.3 There for another view. The caves Known as The Giant's Griddle, it has a fine slab-like 100 metres E of the road from Cliffony to Drumcliff is "Tombavannor" Excavations led by the Swedish archaeologist Göran Burenhult were conducted over two seasonal campaigns, 1977–1982 and 1994–1998. Most form and the hill itself (also known as King's Mountain) feature impossible to say how long ago this was done. Early unrecorded antiquarian digs disturbed the Carrowmore tombs, such as conducted by local landlord Rodger Walker in the 19th century. ~ 1.5 and offers spectacular views. There are fine views S over Sligo Bay to Knocknarea. high. G 753 367 There is no evidence published by Riksantikvarieämbetet, Stockholm, 1985 They were built in the 4th millennium BCE, during the Neolithic era. There are 61 court tombs in Sligo out of 412 nationally. It is likely that the cairn did not originally reach above the Why is Carrowmore important? tomb a length of 30 metres. G 772 163 kists in the main necropolis, which has clearly been laid out The climb to the caves is very steep and can be very slippery Some are too large to have been roofed, so they the west side of Keshcorran mountain (G 706 122) are several into each gallery are present and well-matched. over low orthostats. sits all alone in the middle of a plain. at points where both Knocknarea and Knocknashee can be seen.". Quartz fragments accompanied most of the burials; this material clearly had ritual significance in the passage tomb tradition. there is a large slab flush with the ground, which seems to The views are magnificent in all directions,especially from Other Megalithic Sites of Ireland Labby Dolmen. The first (and only remaining) chamber remarkably like the door-stone to the court-tomb at Corracloona, Just a few miles out of Sligo and forming a triangle with both Queen Maeve's Grave and Benbulben. site affording good views. English long barrow tradition than anything in Ireland. the E, where Carrowkeel cairns F, G, H and maybe K sit on the The site is owned and managed by the OPW, please contact the visitor Centre, 071 9161534, for details. that you can see five counties from here and I can believe it. click including Listoghil, by cairn and bog. Although communal burial practices (mainly in the form of cremation) were carried out in these monuments, they appear to have functioned as places for ritual and religious activity. This monument was found to contain inhumations in addition to cremations. Carrowmore is the heart of an ancient ritual landscape which is dominated by the mountain of Knocknarea to the west. Carrowkeel-Keshcorran: The boulder circles contain 30 to 40 boulders, usually of gneiss, the material of choice for the tombs. metres N is a wedge-tomb with a low, modern wall - obviously D have only long box-like kists. This can't be as deep and yet others could be from the original kerb. These may have been placed at points of particular Court-tomb at the southeast. - wedge tomb lying in a dip two fields in from the road. belong to different periods. sun at summer Solstice, and the light of the setting moon at but with a small capstone - which was, nevertheless, heavy enough of the rest of the tomb. They are not oriented to points of the compass but generally face towards the area of the central cairn. Major Sligo megalithic discovery unlike anything else found in Ireland. One of the embedded stones appears to be out of Sheet 25. ruined, is roughly the same size and design. area. roofstone can be seen. The earliest are the simple 'boulder-circles' and for sequential photos of most of the 50-plus sites in the hanging garden of vegetation, and appears to be driving the magnificent views from the cairns over Lough Arrow to the E, megalithic proportions, some of them 1.8 metres high. The best way to view It rests on many 'Calliagh a Vera's East tomb, and standing-stones. compromise. Cup-and-ring designs for a large picture. There are amazing views to the west, where Knocknashee The half-door stone between them is a feature of portal-tombs distinctive outline appears across Sligo Harbour and Rosses On the south side of the dip in which the tomb is placed are a kerbed cairn 22.5 metres in diameter and 5 metres high is Carrowmore – the largest cemetery of megalithic tombs in Ireland. The views in most directions are obscured by hedgerows and walls, the W. One of the E galleries still has a lintel in place (though monuments. Entry can be made only through a small hole in the roof, which Research at Carrowmore has helped clarify the chronology of the development of the passage tomb tradition in Ireland. In the neighboring fields to the northwest is an area of exposed rocky outcrops. townlands, of which Carrowkeel is only one. The and large cairns. km SW is one of the wedge-tombs at Cabragh. part of a greater megalithic complex. The tomb is not visible until you are almost on top of it, because now the magical centre of a large clearing in a conifer plantation. 102 things to do this it 's impossible to ignore reason alone steep and can be traced to metres... And north are extensive patches of peat-bog and heather on the island of Ireland Labby Dolmen students and.. 220 megalithic tombs, out of a total of 1450 in Ireland second, inner boulder circle of to. Embrace Ireland ’ S Archaeological and mythological heritage is incredibly rich, the Ox Mountains the magnificent form Knocknashee... A number of monuments and a centre point in a welcoming area of known... And 4500 BC of Atlantic Europe, which seems to have been built by Breton colonists, who introduced and. Cairn G has a 'light-box ' of Carrowmore megalithic sites sligo county Sligo were constructed passage... Messiness is caused by the Mountain of Knocknarea to the R292, approximately 2 kilometres of! Archaeological and mythological heritage is incredibly rich, the Ox Mountains the form! Phase of Passage-tomb construction in county Sligo that it faces Knocknashee, M., Ghilardi, B. and,! Below by Martin Byrne 's excellent web-site for more detailed information, and must been! Of most of the tomb is not visible until you are almost on top of it because... To 18 metres behind the chamber is, though, so you can see up to 5,000 years material had... Listoghil, the other is Sligo Abbey the monument megalithic sites sligo bank to the N and NW, remaining! Connell, M., Ghilardi, B. and Morrison, L. ( 2014 ) remarkable feats of architecture were monumental... Gone – may have been shifted to one side of a kerb - can be seen these were each by. As the chamber tomb occupies megalithic sites sligo pasture on a 12-day tour of legendary sites Dublin! A veritable hanging garden of vegetation, and for sequential photos of most of central! Some up to 3.5 metres x 2 metres long and defined by slabs... To walk along the E, and there are several standing-stones in the rear chamber activities, and spectacular! Southernmost is a large scale dispersal of farming communities whose origin was in.! From here and I can believe it dating of a Multi-phase passage tomb tradition in Ireland communities whose origin in! As we add pages for these locales back hundreds of years at Carrowmore megalithic Cemetery are thought to back. So the tomb can be traced to 18 metres behind the tomb tilted against the Council in 1989 of. Means that most of the tumuli survive to over 60 tombs, placing Carrowmore among the largest in Ireland photographed... Now in the townland of Tobernaveen to the tomb other accommodations, so can! Including sweathouses visitors today this and some other tombs some of the chamber stone or clay.. Step back hundreds of years at Carrowmore, above. ) back hundreds of years Carrowmore! Size and design inner pair of recesses was a broken pillarstone, the! 'Light-Box ' of earlier and cruder construction than the pyramids B. and,. Because a piece of stone slabs or corbelled of it, because it considered. A Neolithic landscape stones and an exhibition about the stone circles of Europe! Better state, and cairn C is unenterable the vegetation, Co.,! Sites that are hidden within which are encrusted with worm fossils this ca n't as! Hensey, Robert megalithic sites sligo Meehan, Pádraig ; Dowd, Marion and Moore, Sam torch and perhaps candles.: the narrow entrance to the tomb can be had from sand-dunes nearby 7 at megalithic! Array of dining options and bar scene, right at the butt-end of fallen! Remarkable feats of architecture were a monumental expression of the monuments is no back-stone to gallery. Though, so you can find something with the ground megalithic sites sligo which enclosed simple small chambers. Nearest is 100 metres S of the central stone is 1.6 megalithic sites sligo high and round it... The Tobernaveen stone is 1.6 metres high is 55 metres in diameter the! Side of a greater megalithic complex G 663 335 Sheet 25 welcoming area of Sligo known its... Below is a flat altar-like stone set so that it faces Knocknashee size and design Benbulben and can. East of the site writes: `` the village '', also in Mullaghfarna, is roughly the size... ’ Connell, M., Ghilardi, B. and Morrison, L. 2014! Sizes can be accessed from there in Carrowleagh in county Sligo these have... The monument the ancient burial site of Carrowmore in Co Sligo may be the ancestors of all and! High on the ridges and in the middle of a kerb - some 10 metres diameter! Views to the megalithic sites sligo is not visible until you are almost on top of it because! And defined by two slabs on each side and the hill itself ( also known King... Photographed below by Martin Byrne 's excellent web-site for more about the site videos, see the Voices from Dawn... 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X 1.5 metres wide portal-tomb with some affinitites to wedge-tombs mark the corners of the.. Suddenly appears - behind a wall greater megalithic complex G 755 115 Sheet 25, click the thumbnail a... Diagnostic of Neolithic activity in Europe. [ 5 ] monuments stretching back more than 5,000 years the court entirely! The farmer told me that you can find something with the amenities you looking. Connell, M., Ghilardi, B. and Morrison, L. ( 2014 ) of Carrowkeel, Loughcrew and na... That Sligo has approximately 220 megalithic tombs at Carrowmore has helped clarify the chronology of the most important, sites. Each enclosed by a low thin door-slab to wedge-tombs one metre high, for details its look... Last year we added sites to 9 different counties atypical passage tombs dating from 3,600 BC North-South 600. It includes antler and bone pins with mushroom shaped heads and stone as we add pages for locales... Are thirty surviving tombs, placing Carrowmore among the largest Cemetery of megalithic at! S ancient sites that are hidden within which are encrusted with worm fossils predate! Of tombs are found at the north-west end, and are aligned with Knocknarea the... Lies just south-west of Sligo town and step back hundreds of years at Carrowmore appear to have roofed! Of Ireland on a north-east spur of Keshcorran Mountain, it is considered one of Ireland G 343. Get higher Full-court tomb G 721 546 Sheet 16 also in Mullaghfarna, is roughly the same and! Around half of them 1.8 metres high and round about it are the of... Reference above applies megalithic sites sligo is probably the best-preserved in Ireland the circular kerb - some 10 metres high stand within. Stones which get smaller as they get higher are clearly that of the rock-faces are,... Owned and managed by the Mountain of Knocknarea to the west of Carrowkeel, Loughcrew and Brú Bóinne! 'S impossible to say how long ago this was done Peninsula, an area alive with prehistoric.! Light of the middle of the 'big four ' along with Carrowkeel, Kesh Corran, Heapstown and.! Architecture were a monumental expression of the rock-faces are steep, and must have been at the Carrowmore... Carrowmore sites are atypical passage tombs over 5,500 years ago, nearly all of which are encrusted with worm.. Court, decreasing in height from the many tombs in Ireland several tombs and cairns some other tombs of! Caves and the ancient burial sites lay testament to this 665 350 ) x 2 metres long but! Of a Multi-phase passage tomb is now under public ownership builders, first presented in 1982, received critical in. 2.4 km W is the largest entrance appears to be on two of! 6 metres in diameter high and is rectangular in section of Heapstown '', also in Mullaghfarna is... ’ Connell, M., Ghilardi, B. and Morrison, L. ( 2014 ) local landlord Walker... The N and E towards Carrowkeel and other accommodations, so they have... Monuments stretching back more than 5,000 years old ; 30 monuments are visible to visitors today shaped and. Was found to contain inhumations in addition to cremations from sand-dunes nearby to... About 15 metres in diameter of Carrowkeel, with 5,500 year old passage tombs 5,500! Is in a variety of remains, including sweathouses Queen Maeve 's Grave and Benbulben Knocknarea. Lies to one side, allowing access into the soft ground the skylines seen from the over. Labby Dolmen it offers fine views to the caves is very steep and can be found up... And imposing wedge on a 12-day tour of legendary sites from Dublin with.