They are from the time period involved and have not been filtered through interpretation or evaluation. 32 J. Haas, 1977, Learning real feelings: A study of high steel ironworkers’ reactions to fear and danger, Sociology of Work and Occupations 4(4):147-170. A highlight of the BDS is that it permits the tracking of business formation and business failure at the firm level. prices. 5 See, however, the NBER/CRIW paper by Goetz et al. This evaluation considered only the technological capability of completing the associated work tasks, to the exclusion of other economic, organizational, and social considerations. Information Technology and the U.S. Finally, big data and data-mining-based approaches to uncovering important trends also have the potential to surface spurious correlations, and decisions about how to sort or filter input data prior to analysis may be subjective and yield skewed results. You can divide it on the basis of where to find the information, how to find the information and what kind of information to seek. 10 S.W. They are available more quickly, often in real time, and they are available in many forms and types.11 Big data are commonly described as differing from traditional data sources due to the volume, velocity, and variety of these data.12. While such evaluations of susceptibility of work to automation are relatively new and not without limitations, they are provocative and present systematic approaches for addressing the question of what. Best sources of candidates in the North American staffing industry 2018 Most effective lead sources of U.S. staffing firms 2020 U.S. employers … To learn more about when these types of sources are published on an event or topic, see the Information Cycle.. Barley and G. Kunda, 2004, Gurus, Hired Guns and Warm Bodies: Itinerant Experts in a Knowledge Economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. 41 V. Smith, 2001, Crossing the Great Divide: Worker Risk and Opportunity in the New Economy, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. important questions simultaneously from the bottom up and the top down, leading to more informed interpretations of data, deeper and more complete knowledge, and new, testable hypotheses. US Census Bureau A wealth of information on the lives of US citizens covering population data, geographic data and education. Today, a variety of data sets exist that contain important information about technology, workers, employment, and the national economy. Barley, 2012, The lure of the virtual, Organization Science 23(5):1485-1504. Freebase A community-compiled database of structured data about people, places and things, with over 45 million entries. Bamforth, 1951, Some social psychological consequences of the Longwall method of coal getting, Human Relations 4(1):3-38. Guest, 1952, The Man on the Assembly Line, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. Overall, the median number of internal data sources used to support decision-making is five, so most companies are dealing with multiple sources. Coupled with advances in tools for data mining and big data analytics, the digitization of myriad business, employment, and economic transactions as well as administrative and other born-digital data presents new opportunities for analyzing changing economic, workforce, technology, and societal trends. Any company, from big blue chip corporations to the tiniest start-up can now leverage more data than ever before. The US Government pledged last year to make all government data available freely online. Academic researchers and private-sector organizations are already exploring these opportunities. Autor et al. Published on July 25, 2018 by Courtney Gahan. To understand the changing nature of the labor market, it is also critical to track workforce and employer dynamics and transitions. Many foreign companies are also required to make periodic filings containing the same information if they're listed on U.S. exchanges. 23 Technical and policy issues associated with such partnerships for aggregating diverse data for the enhancement of federal statistics are currently being explored as part of another study of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Technology is transforming the way we work, play, and interact with others. After you have exhausted the basic resources on industries, try the following: News sources; Sources on private companies Many of my clients ask me for the top data sources they could use in their big data endeavor and here’s my rundown of some of the best free big data sources available today. Overall, they estimate that 45 percent of work activities are currently automatable, although this number would rise to 58 percent if natural-language processing were to reach the median level of human performance. These data are actively used for occupational projections. Much as advances in analytical methods have enabled new products, services, and tools for research and business (with implications for the workforce), such methods also present new opportunities for identifying and understanding changes in the labor economy. Furthermore, the system is updated on a rolling basis, with competency requirements for some fraction of all occupations updated every year. The definition of "information" that will be used in this entry is that of Michael Buckland (1991), which regards information as objects. If displaced, the outcomes in terms of employment and earnings can be tracked. Such successes demonstrate the potential for digital and web-based data to yield new insights into current and potential workforce changes. The media has consistently been a popular source of information for managers/supervisors, employers and workers and in recent years training courses have become a more valued source. Entrepreneurship has historically played a critical role in the innovation, growth, and job creation dynamics of the United States. Despite these challenges, this information has been valuable to labor market analysts and workforce participants and has also proven critical for use by the research community to help quantify and address the nature of work. It is a monthly survey of approximately 300,000 establishments tracking earnings, hours, and employment statistics for wage and salary workers, administered by BLS. For example, one might expect an engineer to use critical thinking skills more intensely or at a. Revised on December 3, 2020. By Kupe Kupersmith, Paul Mulvey, Kate McGoey. All of these categories of information present both advantages and challenges. Jump up to the previous page or down to the next one. Fort, 2015, Factoryless goods producers in the US, American Economic Review 105(5):518-523. from the late 1990s through the present. Indicators of job-to-job flows that track workers transiting directly from one job to another, even. Using Primary and Secondary Sources. Barley, 1996, Redefining success: Ethnographic observations on the careers of technicians, in Broken Ladders (P. Osterman, ed. 125 years of US healthcare data including claim-level Medicare data, epidemiology and population statistics. Such analyses will rely heavily on data, and new data sets and analyses may be needed or become available as the landscape continues to change. Standard industries such as the beverage industry are included. How to Identify Appropriate Sources of Information for a Business Analysis. The following types of naturally occurring data—that is, data that would exist in digital form whether or not someone sought them—provide key examples of analytical opportunities for researchers. 46 C.B. However, response rates on surveys by both households and businesses are declining, even when respondents use digital methods. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission requires most U.S. listed companies to report financial data, insider transactions and other material information in so-called SEC filings. Some of them will give you very accurate information and we call these sources reliable (because we can rely on what they say). Consulting is … Such household data does not provide much detail about the specific nature of technological innovation, but it is important for quantifying the penetration of the use of IT across the population. First, the database is not intended to be longitudinal; O*NET 20.2 (released in February 2016) is not directly compatible with previous versions of O*NET. sources to locate information on the term. Even if trends and correlations are accurately identified, analytics alone may not. An updated “Contingent Worker Supplement” is planned to be included in the May 2017 CPS.3. Learn more about: cookie policy. The business-level and person-level data underlying the JOLTS, BED, BDS, and QWI are increasingly being used in restricted-use environments to track workforce trends. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. However, as noted, there is some question as to whether changing workforce arrangements are appropriately captured via the current interview process (e.g., workers may identify differently than researchers would have classified them). Information objects include things such as databases, electronic documents, newspapers, books, and calendars. Productivity measures are commonly used to make inferences about the pace of technological change in the economy. Walker and W.H. In this article, we highlight freely accessible resources that provide prescribing information about medicines and other sources of specialised information that … The Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (44 U.S.C. Secondary literature provides a more digested overview of a subject e.g. List of credible sources for research. provide insight into the underlying causes of or meaning behind such trends—even if they also yield accurate predictions.24 More qualitative or in-depth examination of workforce and technology trends, along with hypothesis-driven research grounded in established scientific theory, will be needed to unravel the bigger picture. Any company, from big blue chip corporations to the tiniest start-up can now leverage more data than ever before. Million Song Data Set Metadata on over a million songs and pieces of music. This would allow tracking of employment, earnings, and career paths for those workers who find themselves at firms that are replacing production workers with machines or with globalized production. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Of these methods, participant observation and ethnographic interviewing have contributed the most to an understanding of the changing nature of work. DBPedia is an ambitious project to catalogue and create a public, freely distributable database allowing anyone to analyze this data. Information is thus something that can be produced, sold, delivered, and used. To capture such activity, the Census Bureau has added a series of modules to the U.S. economic censuses since 2002 on the contraction of manufacturing services.6, Household surveys conducted by the Census Bureau have been collecting data on computers and Internet use periodically since the 1980s. Berger, ed. 33 R.L. —– As always, I hope you enjoyed this post. Gapminder Compilation of data from sources including the World Health Organization and World Bank covering economic, medical and social statistics from around the world. Recent years have yielded significant advances in computing and communication technologies, with profound impacts on society. See the below table to determine which sources are best for finding the type of information you need for your research project. Topsy Free, comprehensive social media data is hard to come by – after all their data is what generates profits for the big players (Facebook, Twitter etc) so they don’t want to give it away. DBPedia Wikipedia is comprised of millions of pieces of data, structured and unstructured on every subject under the sun. books 3. 20 A. Cavallo and R. Rigobon, 2016, The Billion Prices Project: Using online prices for measurement and research, Journal of Economic Perspectives 30(2):151-178. The use of microscale social science methods, such as interview, field work, and other ethnographic approaches, can help researchers bridge these critical gaps by testing conclusions from quantitative data and lead to new hypotheses and study, survey, or experiment design. Most censuses take place at 10 year intervals, so data from this and other published sources may be out-of-date at the time the researcher wants to make use of the statistics. To search the entire text of this book, type in your search term here and press Enter. Furthermore, researchers must query these organizations individually and may encounter data gaps. Factors that must be taken into account during aggregation and interpretation of these data include the existence of multiple postings for the same position, delayed updates or removal of advertisements for filled positions, a lack of information about jobs not posted on publicly searchable sites, and other incomplete or inaccurate information. Wu and Brynjolfsson16 also used Google Trends to predict housing-price changes. The Current Population Survey (CPS) is the primary household survey used to track the monthly labor market activity of individuals. For example, these data have been used to track the shift away from goods production to services in detail by sector and location. While large-scale quantitative data sets are critical for understanding current trends and correlations, they do not always reveal causality and. 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016, “Current Employment Statistics—CES (National),”, accessed April 2016. and computational and data storage capacity have led to unprecedented amounts of data being “born digital,” including some of the administrative data discussed in the Introduction to this chapter. Bernard Marr is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, strategic performance consultant and analytics, KPI and Big Data guru. In general, these data could be uniquely useful to researchers and policy makers since they can be collected and searched in real time, at high granularity, and reveal unanticipated trends. Use health communication strategies and health information technology to improve population health outcomes and health care quality, and to achieve health equity. Industry Information Resources. This differs between subjects but in general: 1. CPS is used to produce key indicators such as the unemployment rate, the employment-to-population ratio, measures of wages, and hours per worker. These household surveys and censuses are increasingly being integrated with administrative data to yield new statistical products. This site is the first stage and acts as a portal to all sorts of amazing information on everything from climate to crime. ...or use these buttons to go back to the previous chapter or skip to the next one. MarketLine presents information in an easy-to-read format, so you can absorb key information in minutes, not hours. In order to classify jobs by their types, functions, conditions, and associated competency requirements, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration established the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), in use from 1938 through the late 1990s. publicly accessible and searchable. and analytical tools that are increasingly enabled by the Internet and digitization of information; (3) the use of ethnographic and other qualitative data for understanding causality, and (4) strategies for quantifying technological advancement and its ability to automate work functions. 11 See also E. Brynjolfsson and A. McAfee, 2012, Big data: The management revolution, Harvard Business Review 90(10):60-68. Additional information, such as retail or online purchasing trends (tracked via bar-code scanners in brick-and-mortar stores or product numbers in online purchases), search queries (inputs into online search engines), social media content, and related data, may contain useful evidence of technology diffusion, economic change, and employment or business trends. The future of economic statistics is likely to involve partnerships between the public and private sector. PrivCo provides private company financial information, researching 900,000 private companies worldwide. 24 See, for example, D. Boyd and K. Crawford, 2012, Critical questions for big data: Provocations for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon, Information, Communication and Society 15(5):662-679. Value of Victoria's tourism industry Victoria's tourism industry is a significant economic driver and continues to grow from strength to strength. From these technological capabilities, new industries, organizational forms, and business models are emerging. Elliott, 2014, Anticipating a Luddite revival, Issues in Science and Technology 30(3):27-36. It is considered more accurate than the official price indexes of some governments and enables analysis of other trends, such as premiums paid for green products, adjustment of prices to shocks, and price “stickiness.”21 It is important to note that the BPP is not meant to be treated as a substitute for official statistics, but rather as a complement, in part because BPP and the CPI do not always measure the same. Also, feel free to comment and add any other of your free big data sources to this list using the comment field below. For example, there is currently no regular source of information about contingent workers (although another Contingent Work Supplement to the CPS is in the works). In the discussion of data sources below, the committee addresses how contextual information could be acquired and integrated into these sources. However, such data can be costly and time-consuming to collect, especially from offline surveys. For example, employer and industry associations were the most popular source of WHS information for medium and large size businesses, second to the media for small businesses. Tourism industry resources. Core administrative data are housed at the Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration, both of which have statistical arms that provide important measures of economic activity; much of these data are also provided to the Census Bureau. 4 K.G. Workforce: Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here? While, again, there are many additional factors to consider, including the costs and barriers to further develop these technologies and bring them to market, challenges associated with integrating these components into larger systems, and market demand for and societal acceptance of such automation practices, this evaluation suggests that automation of a vast number of jobs is becoming increasingly technically feasible. Given the interest in and possible growth of the on-demand economy, the matched employer-employee data need to be supplemented to include workers who are independent contractors. The demand for some fraction of all occupations updated every year the firm level mixed-methods research can help address! Jump up to the previous section, these data have been made available to the tiniest can. Since 1999 significant changes for workers competitor and industry data Redefining success: ethnographic observations on the.! 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