231. hamster = wheel + mouse 320. music = human + flute, human + sound 56. blood = human + blade 1up = life + mushroom. Little Alchemy Combos 550+ Elements List. 387. reindeer = santa + wild animal, livestock + santa pressure + tree = paper. 79. car = wheel + metal The latest update is 540 elements, we would give fresh updates as soon as possible. 331. oil = sunflower + pressure 74. camel = desert + horse, desert + wild animal, livestock + desert 65. broom = wood + hay Little Alchemy Cheats to help you solve those difficult combinations. 227. hail = rain + ice, ice + storm, ice + cloud 464. steamboat = steam engine + water, steam engine + boat 454. spaceship = airplane + astronaut 390. robot = metal + life, steel + life, life + armor Z – 1 Combination 368. planet = earth + space 415. scorpion = wild animal + dune, wild animal + sand If you appreciated this help, please give us some love, by sharing the link of facebook and Google+. 224. grim reaper = human + scythe, corpse + scythe Alchemy Elements Check List; 1. 274. leather = cow + blade, pig + blade 335. origami = bird + paper  Click Bellow! 370. plant = rain + earth 340. paint = water + rainbow, water + pencil 150. earthquake = earth + energy, earth + wave 110. cold = human + rain African Civet = Dog + Cheetah. 313. mountain = earthquake + earth Alchemy 2.1 adds 56 new elements, bringing the total to 500. 315. mountain range = mountain + mountain 384. rainbow = rain + sun, rain + light 245. hourglass = sand + glass 516. village = house + house 171. fence = wall + wood 128. desert = sand + sand, sand + cactus 61. book = paper + wood, paper + story 358. pigeon = bird + city, bird + letter, bird + statue Currently there are more than 500 combinations that you can make starting with 4 basic animals. 43. bbq = campfire + meat, campfire + garden Air. 223. grilled cheese = cheese + toast Aladdin - GenieLamp + Hero / Genie + Hero. 479. swamp = mud + plant, mud + grass If you're looking for hints and cheats to Little Alchemy 2 you can find them here: 540. wire = electricity + metal 222. grenade = explosion + metal 82. carrot = snowman + vegetable, sun + snowman 114. constellation = star + star All 390 combinations for the Alchemy game made by Andrey 'Zed' Zaikin. 270. lava = earth + fire 356. pie = dough + fruit 379. puddle = sun + ice, sun + snowman, snowman + flamethrower 208. glacier = ice + mountain 118. cow = grass + livestock 218. grave = coffin + earth, corpse + earth 388. ring = diamond + metal, diamond + gold Start with 4 and go up to 500, from obvious to unlikely to bizarre combinations. 170. faun = goat + human 350. pencil sharpener = blade + pencil 432. ski goggles = glasses + snow Alf = Extraterrestrial + Yak. 527. waterfall = mountain + river 11. allergy = human + dust 131. dinosaur = lizard + time 67. bulletproof vest = bullet + armor 136. donut = dough + oil 329. obsidian = lava + water 24. astronaut = human + moon, rocket + human, human + space station, human + space 184. flower = plant + garden 103. clay = sand + mud 422. seasickness = sickness + sea, sickness + ocean, boat + sickness, steamboat + sickness, sailboat + sickness 285. log cabin = wood + house 433. sky = air + cloud Algae = Life + water: 11. 20. archipelago = isle + isle Air + Steam = Cloud 5. T – 24 Combinations 440. snake = wild animal + wire 247. human = earth + life 252. ice cream = milk + cold, milk + ice 411. santa = human + christmas tree 366. pitchfork = tool + hay 327. ninja = shuriken + human 547. wrapping paper = gift + paper 220. graveyard = grave + grave, gravestone + gravestone It shows how to hit game-legal maximum crafting potential (weapons hit for 300-500 points per swing, 95% mana reduction, 95% immunity, 850 armor in all slots), then also shows all the exploits (which stats are MUCH higher). 124. cyclist = bicycle + human paper + paper = book. 399. rv = house + car 81. carbon dioxide = human + oxygen, plant + night, tree + night 500. treasure map = pirate + map 94. cheeseburger = cheese + hamburger Earth. 332. omelette = egg + fire 98. chimney = house + fireplace, smoke + brick, fireplace + brick = rainbow + rainbow 153. egg timer = egg + clock, egg + watch Find all the recipes and possible combinations now! Combinations, Find out how to make combos, and What Elements Make. Available for free here: Little Alchemy 2 for Browsers. Alchemy Genetics is another fun combination game that features various type of animals. 260. ivy = plant + wall 511. unicorn = rainbow + horse, rainbow + life, double rainbow! 99. christmas stocking = wool + fireplace This is the best unofficial walkthrough to combine and find all 700 element combos in Little Alchemy 2. Mr Bullet SEASONS THANKSGIVING Level 1-32. V – 7 Combinations 63. brick = clay + fire, mud + fire, mud + sun, clay + sun 143. dry ice = carbon dioxide + cold, ice + carbon dioxide The game is now also available in Polish and Bulgarian, bringing the total number of languages to ⦠349. pencil = wood + coal, wood + charcoal Game Description. 475. sunglasses = sun + glasses, beach + glasses 102. city = village + village, skyscraper + skyscraper Little Alchemy 2 Cheats Guide is the best complete source of hints for Little Alchemy 2 (2017).. Find all missing combinations and items you're looking for! Alcohol = Fire + water: 9. earth + tools = clay. 249. hurricane = wind + energy Alligator - Lizard + Swamp / Lizard + River. J – 5 Combinations Our walkthrough will help you complete the game. 536. wind = pressure + air, air + energy 297. mermaid = human + fish 165. fairy tale = story + monarch, story + castle, knight + story, dragon + story 137. double rainbow! 41. batter = flour + milk Combine different animals to create new species. E – 15 Combinations 419. seahorse = horse + sea, ocean + horse, fish + horse island + plant = palm. 338. oxygen = plant + sun, plant + carbon dioxide 26. atomic bomb = energy + explosion 539. wine = fruit + alcohol 221. greenhouse = plant + glass 200. galaxy = star + star 2. fire Attack (AP): 3 ~ 3, All AP +8, All Accuracy +10, Ignores All Resistance +5%, Attack Speed +5%, Casting Speed +5% for 5 min 1 Vell's Concentrated Magic 1500 Alchemy ⦠Airplane = Metal + Bird 7. 537. wind turbine = windmill + electricity 381. pyramid = desert + grave, desert + stone Little Alchemy cheats list â 540 elements combination and guide. M – 33 Combinations 73. cake = dough + candle 107. coconut = palm + fruit 525. water lily = flower + pond 152. egg = life + stone, bird + bird, turtle + turtle, lizard + lizard 385. rat = wild animal + pirate ship, sailboat + wild animal 447. soap = oil + ash 1. 1. It includes complete list of Myths and Monsters content pack items cheats. Play Little Alchemy 2, the sequel to Little Alchemy! 264. jerky = meat + sun, meat + salt Check out how to make time, life, wood, motion and all other items!. 526. water pipe = water + pipe 16. angler = human + fishing rod 121. crystal ball = witch + glass, wizard + glass 69. butcher = human + meat The game app is developed by Jakub Koziol / Recloak. 412. scalpel = blade + doctor, blade + hospital 517. volcano = lava + earth, lava + mountain, fire + mountain 288. mac and cheese = cheese + pasta 441. snow = rain + cold, steam + cold 512. vacuum cleaner = electricity + broom 7. alarm clock = clock + sound If you are stuck and need help, then use our solutions. 105. cloud = air + steam 132. doctor = human + hospital 354. phoenix = fire + bird 518. vulture = bird + corpse 50. bird = life + sky, egg + air, egg + sky, air + life 212. goat = livestock + mountain 207. gingerbread man = life + dough Pages. 214. gold = metal + sun, metal + rainbow 534. wild animal = forest + life 372. pond = water + garden 269. lamp = metal + light bulb 439. smoothie = fruit + blender Sign up now! 15. angel = human + bird 258. internet = computer + computer, computer + wire, computer + web 241. horizon = sky + earth, sea + sky, ocean + sky 34. banana = fruit + monkey 281. lightsaber = light + sword, energy + sword, electricity + sword 456. spider = wild animal + thread 308. money = paper + gold 29. axe = blade + wood 339. ozone = oxygen + oxygen, electricity + oxygen Little Alchemy Cheats: All 580 Combinations and Formulas Latest update on December 1, 2020 at 09:35 AM by David Webb . 113. confetti = paper + blade, paper + scissors 283. livestock = farmer + life, wild animal + human, farmer + wild animal 403. sailor = human + boat, human + sailboat 397. ruler = wood + pencil 467. stethoscope = tool + doctor 58. boiler = steam + metal 546. wool = sheep + tool, scissors + sheep 483. sword = blade + metal, blade + steel 85. cat = wild animal + milk Little Alchemy is a simple but addictive game. 398. rust = air + metal, metal + oxygen, steel + oxygen, air + steel D – 24 Combinations 509. ufo = rocket + alien, airplane + alien 321. narwhal = unicorn + ocean, unicorn + water, sea + unicorn 44. beach = sea + sand, ocean + sand, water + sand 77. candy cane = sugar + christmas tree 443. snowball = snow + human 154. electric car = car + electricity 157. electricity = metal + energy, solar cell + sun, wind turbine + wind, light + solar cell 115. cookie = dough + sugar 465. steel = metal + coal Need help with an element for the game by Daniel Asto/NuclearApps? 145. duckling = egg + duck 196. fridge = metal + cold, electricity + cold, metal + ice 172. field = earth + tool, earth + farmer 178. fish = hard roe + time 522. warrior = sword + human 108. coconut milk = coconut + tool, milk + coconut 242. horse = hay + livestock 380. pumpkin = vegetable + fire, vegetable + light 116. corpse = human + gun, human + grim reaper 480. sweater = wool + tool, human + wool 1. water (= fire + ice) 76. candle = wax + thread, wax + fire The game is free to play so hurry up and get it. 287. lumberjack = axe + human, human + chainsaw L – 20 Combinations The first step of every formula (except extractions) is to LIGHT your cauldron, the last step of every formula (except extractions) is to ALCHEMY SEAL. Alchemy Stone of Vell. Albatross = Gull + Cheetah. No account? 423. seaweed = plant + sea, plant + ocean 322. needle = metal + thread, metal + hay Algae = Life + water 11. 232. hard roe = egg + water, fish + fish, egg + sea, egg + ocean, egg + pond 149. eagle = mountain + bird 162. excalibur = sword + stone Aquarium = Glass + Fish: 15. 446. snowmobile = snow + motorcycle, snow + car 302. milk = farmer + cow, cow + human 277. life = swamp + energy, love + time 147. dust = earth + air, sun + vampire, day + vampire 3 Stars, Tomb of the Mask: Color Level 1-100 Walkthrough, Mech Cube Escape Room 1-9 Walkthrough Guide, Sky: Children of the Light – Secret Beta Area Part 1. We've provided below a combination list for the app game Little Alchemy. 304. minotaur = human + cow 191. fossil = dinosaur + time, dinosaur + earth, stone + dinosaur 531. werewolf = wolf + human, werewolf + human, werewolf + human 40. batman = bat + human 452. space = sky + star, sun + star, moon + star 299. meteor = meteoroid + atmosphere, sky + meteoroid 168. farm = farmer + house, farmer + barn 502. treehouse = tree + house 542. wizard = human + energy Start with four basic items and use them to find dinosaurs, unicorns and spaceships! 130. diamond = pressure + coal, coal + time 390 Alchemy App Element Combinations. August 12, 2020 by Christian. 122. cuckoo = clock + bird 289. mailman = human + letter 495. tool = metal + human 550 Elements from A to Z(Online + App versions) AlarmClock - Clock + Sound. 23. ash = volcano + energy 514. vase = plant + pottery, pottery + flower 309. monkey = tree + wild animal 520. wall = brick + brick If youâre able to find a given number of combinations, or if you simply play the game every day, youâll get free hints as a reward. 324. nest = bird + tree, bird + hay, egg + hay H – 24 Combinations Both the real version of the slot game and the Alchemy Fortunes slot demo has the same features used in the bonuses. 164. fabric = thread + tool Water. 343. paper airplane = airplane + paper 473. sundial = clock + sun 53. blade = metal + stone A current list of alchemy formulas.These formulas can be recorded in tomes.. 261. jack-o’-lantern = pumpkin + fire, blade + pumpkin, pumpkin + candle 139. dragon = lizard + fire 418. seagull = bird + sea, bird + ocean, bird + beach Little Alchemy 2 official hints and cheats guide! 161. eruption = volcano + energy Find cheat sheet formulas here! Find out how to make life, plant, human or unicorn and hundreds of other items also from content packs! 312. motorcycle = bicycle + energy, bicycle + steel Recloakâs alchemy game Little Alchemy is, like the other titles in this list, available on both iOS and Android. 213. godzilla = dinosaur + city  Its actually really fun. 92. charcoal = tree + fire, wood + fire About Us. 462. steam = water + fire, water + energy 310. moon = sky + cheese, sky + stone coal + iron = steel. 334. orchard = fruit tree + fruit tree, field + fruit tree 317. mousetrap = wood + cheese, metal + cheese Little Alchemy Combos 550+ Elements List. 365. pirate ship = sailboat + pirate, boat + pirate Alien = Star + Life 12. 357. pig = livestock + mud Little Alchemy. 151. eclipse = sun + moon 359. piggy bank = pig + money, pottery + pig 6. alcoholic = man + beer or man + vodka or man + alcohol. 482. swimmer = human + swim goggles Arable = Earth + Tool: 16. 298. metal = fire + stone Hidden Gems Combinations 1. astronaut ice cream = ice cream + astronaut 2. doge = dog + internet, dog + computer 3. keyboard cat = cat + music 4. nessie = story + lake 5. ninja [â¦] 544. wood = tool + tree 104. clock = time + electricity, time + wheel, time + tool 38. barn = livestock + house, cow + house, house + hay 6. airplane = bird + metal, bird + steel 409. sandstorm = sand + storm, sand + hurricane, sand + energy 205. gift = santa + christmas tree, santa + christmas stocking, santa + cookie, santa + chimney, santa + fireplace 463. steam engine = boiler + tool, boiler + wheel 477. surfer = human + wave 206. gingerbread house = house + dough, house + gingerbread man 458. star = sky + night, night + telescope 9. algae = water + plant, ocean + plant, sea + plant 254. iceberg = sea + ice, ocean + ice, sea + antarctica, ocean + antarctica 181. flashlight = tool + light 487. tea = water + leaf 417. sea = water + water 504. tsunami = ocean + earthquake, sea + earthquake Alcoholic = Man + Alcohol: 10. 408. sandstone = stone + sand 127. day = sun + time, night + sun, time + night, sky + sun 425. shark = blood + ocean, sea + blood, ocean + wild animal, sea + wild animal You start with the basic elements fire, water, air, and earth and create more complex items up to life, time, and internet.In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. 248. hummingbird = bird + flower 226. gunpowder = fire + dust 448. soda = water + carbon dioxide, juice + carbon dioxide 404. salt = sea + sun, ocean + sun, fire + sea, fire + ocean 519. wagon = cart + horse 22. armor = tool + metal, tool + steel Have you heard of the game “Little Alchemy” ? 481. swim goggles = glasses + water Airplane = Metal + Bird: 7. 51. birdhouse = bird + house 382. quicksand = sand + swamp 468. stone = air + lava If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Aluminium = Airplane + Metal 13. Join the world's largest MMO gaming network. 291. map = paper + earth 378. pterodactyl = air + dinosaur, bird + dinosaur 54. blender = glass + blade, blade + electricity 4. air 402. sailboat = boat + wind, boat + fabric 292. mars = rust + planet 503. trojan horse = horse + wood 17. ant = grass + wild animal, wild animal + sugar 4. 52. black hole = star + pressure 395. rose = plant + love, flower + love 190. fortune cookie = paper + cookie 453. space station = space + house This is a complete guide to the all of the 500+ combinations to date for the highly addictive brain ^ puzzle game for your Android smartphone: Alchemy Genetics developed by Creative Mobile. Our walkthrough will help you complete the game. U – 3 Combinations 529. wax = bee + beehive 48. beer = alcohol + wheat 389. river = mountain + water, rain + mountain 352. penicillin = doctor + mold 72. cactus = sand + plant, desert + plant 451. sound = air + wave 186. flying fish = fish + bird, sky + fish Little Alchemy is available on iTunes, Google Play and Chrome Web Store. 341. palm = isle + tree, tree + beach 431. skeleton = corpse + time, bone + bone Little Alchemy Combination â Pressure + Coal = Diamond; Little Alchemy Combination â Wind + Sand = Dune (Wind + Beach = Dune) Little Alchemy Combination â Dust + Fire = Gunpowder; Little Alchemy Combination â Plant + Water = Algae; Little Alchemy Combination â Plant + Fire = Tobacco; Little Alchemy Combination â Plant + Earth = Grass 314. mountain goat = mountain + goat, goat + mountain range 179. fishing rod = tool + fish, wood + fish N – 7 Combinations 66. bullet = gunpowder + metal Having trouble with an element from the game thatâs sweeping across the iOS and Android App Stores created by NuclearApps/Daniel Asto? 10. alien = life + space 450. solar system = sun + planet Play, ⦠Alchemy Genetics Android Game 345. parrot = bird + pirate 275. lemonade = fruit + water 493. toast = sandwich + fire, bread + fire 210. glasses = glass + metal, glass + glass 209. glass = fire + sand, sand + electricity 68. bus = car + car Our Little Alchemy Help guide includes the latest version of the combinations list. 457. squirrel = mouse + tree 271. lava lamp = lava + lamp 37. bank = house + money, house + gold 491. time = sand + glass 428. shuriken = star + blade 489. thread = cotton + tool, wheel + wool 523. watch = human + clock 484. swordfish = fish + sword 300. meteoroid = stone + space Littlealchemyguide.com is the best cheats Guide for Little Alchemy 1 and Little Alchemy 2. Ambulance = Hospital + Car 14. Download the game from iTunes and Google Play App Store. 330. ocean = water + sea, sea + sea 472. sun = fire + sky Aluminium = Airplane + Metal: 13. 194. frankenstein = zombie + electricity, electricity + corpse 362. pipe = tobacco + wood 59. bone = corpse + time Earth: 5. 521. wand = wizard + wood 238. hero = knight + dragon 284. lizard = egg + swamp List of 530 Combinations Combinations found in both the desktop and online versions of Little Alchemy. 8. alien = star + life. 541. witch = wizard + broom, human + broom F – 36 Combinations 55. blizzard = snow + wind, snow + storm, snow + snow 250. husky = snow + dog, ice + dog 373. popsicle = juice + ice, juice + cold 445. snowman = snow + human, snowball + snowball, snow + carrot, snowball + carrot 182. flood = rain + rain, rain + time 204. ghost = graveyard + night, castle + night Download Little Alchemy for free on iTunes. 90. chainsaw = axe + electricity 239. hippo = horse + river, horse + water Alchemy 1000 Combinations, Cheats and Solutions for all 1000 elements A-Z. A – 25 Combinations 246. house = wood + human, human + brick, tool + brick, wall + wall 278. light = light bulb + electricity, electricity + flashlight 4. Stuck on research? 510. umbrella = tool + rain, rain + fabric K – 2 Combinations 198. fruit = tree + farmer, sun + tree 478. sushi = fish + seaweed, caviar + seaweed 508. tyrannosaurus rex = meat + dinosaur 476. super nova = explosion + star Little Alchemy Combinations 530 Combinations in the online version; 30 extra combinations in the desktop version. Starting Elements  If you have more that you want to add, please like the Facebook page above, and comment on this post! 62. bread = dough + fire The game is made from the popular Chrome app. 264. knight = human + armor 507. twilight = day + night 426. sheep = cloud + livestock 251. ice = water + cold You start with the basic elements fire, water, air, and earth and create more complex items up to battery, refrigerator, and football boots.In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. Air: 2. This Little Alchemy cheat list was last updated November 2015. 175. fireplace = house + campfire, campfire + brick, campfire + wall Complete Element. 180. flamethrower = fire + gun P – 42 Combinations Social Icons. 460. statue = stone + tool, human + medusa 2. air = starter. 46. bee = flower + wild animal 543. wolf = wild animal + dog, wild animal + moon, dog + forest 401. safety glasses = tool + glasses, explosion + glasses, engineer + glasses plant + Sun = flower. 42. bayonet = gun + blade, gun + sword Alchemy Genetics Android Game Complete List of all 500+ Combinations. 494. tobacco = plant + fire 549. yogurt = milk + bacteria 466. steel wool = steel + wool, wire + wool 126. darth vader = jedi + fire, jedi + lava 75. campfire = fire + wood 272. lawn mower = grass + tool, electricity + scythe 243. horseshoe = metal + horse 202. gardener = human + garden 257. igloo = house + ice, house + snow 125. dam = beaver + river, beaver + tree, beaver + wood, wall + river 144. duck = water + bird, bird + pond, bird + lake, time + duckling 434. skyscraper = house + sky Alcohol = Fire + water 9. Alchemy (from Arabic: al-kÄ«miyÄ) is an ancient branch of natural philosophy, a philosophical and protoscientific tradition practiced throughout Europe, Africa, China and throughout Asia, observable in Chinese text from around 73â49 BCE and Greco-Roman Egypt in the first few centuries CE.. Alchemists attempted to purify, mature, and perfect certain materials. Combine different animals to create new species. 219. gravestone = grave + stone A simple but addictive game. 169. farmer = field + human, human + plant, human + pitchfork 215. golem = clay + life 12. alligator = lizard + swamp, lizard + river Includes new visuals, combinations, original soundtrack and more! 256. idea = human + light bulb, light bulb + nerd 71. butterfly = flower + wild animal 449. solar cell = sun + tool 268. lake = water + pond, river + dam 406. sand castle = sand + castle 344. parachute = pilot + fabric, pilot + umbrella 230. hammer = metal + wood The game app is developed by Jakub Koziol / Recloak. 259. isle = ocean + volcano, volcano + sea 64. bridge = river + wood, river + metal, river + steel 461. steak = meat + bbq, fire + cow 497. tractor = farmer + car, field + car B – 42 Combinations 499. treasure = pirate + treasure map 286. love = human + human 97. chicken wing = chicken + bone  Have a great day ð. C – 53 Combinations 316. mouse = cheese + wild animal 197. frog = wild animal + pond 158. email = letter + computer, letter + internet 109. coffin = wood + corpse Alpaca - Mountain + Sheep. 225. gun = metal + bullet If you are looking for combinations and its seems it is not available on the list, take your time to look closely again, most people do not see it even after going through the list more than once. 530. web = spider + thread 187. flying squirrel = squirrel + bird, squirrel + wind, squirrel + airplane, sky + squirrel Available on Android and iOS.. 532. wheat = field + farmer, plant + farmer 166. family = human + house 49. bicycle = wheel + wheel 328. oasis = desert + water, tree + desert, desert + palm 112. computer mouse = mouse + computer ; A list of guild shop inventories is also available. 396. ruins = time + castle, time + house Albert Einstine = Scientist + Energy 8. 360. pilot = airplane + human, seaplane + human 444. snowboard = wood + snow, snow + surfer 228. ham = meat + smoke 459. starfish = fish + star, sea + star, ocean + star If youâve always been fascinated by stories about alchemists written in books or those in movies, and you wanted to become a real magician, your moment has finally come. 318. mud = water + earth 474. sunflower = plant + sun, flower + sun 91. chameleon = lizard + rainbow 430. skateboard = snowboard + wheel 148. dynamite = gunpowder + wire S – 85 Combinations 156. electrician = human + electricity, human + wire 355. picnic = grass + sandwich, beach + sandwich 263. kite = wind + paper, sky + paper 506. turtle = egg + sand Q – 1 Combination 333. optical fiber = wire + light Logos Quiz Answers Level 3 For iPhone & iPad – All Parts, Little Alchemy Combination — Ocean + Wind = Wave, Little Alchemy Combination — Ocean + Plant = Seaweed and Algae, Little Alchemy Combination — Ocean + Volcano = Isle, Little Alchemy Combination — Ocean + Earthquake = Tsunami, Little Alchemy Combination — Ocean + Sky = Horizon, Little Alchemy Combination — Ocean + Sand = Beach, Little Alchemy Combination — Mud + Plant = Swamp, Little Alchemy Combination — Mud + Sand = Clay, Little Alchemy Combination — Rain + Rain = Flood, Little Alchemy Combination — Energy + Wind = Hurricane, Little Alchemy Combination — Energy + Volcano = Eruption and Ash, Little Alchemy Combination — Energy + Cloud = Storm, Little Alchemy Combination — Energy + Swamp = Life, Little Alchemy Combination — Water + Water = Sea, Little Alchemy Combination — Water + Sea = Ocean, Little Alchemy Combination — Water + Fire = Steam, Little Alchemy Combination — Water + Earth = Mud, Little Alchemy Combination — Water + Air = Rain, Little Alchemy Combination — Fire + Earth = Lava, Little Alchemy Combination — Fire + Air = Energy, Little Alchemy Combination — Fire + Mud = Brick, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Earth = Pressure, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Air = Dust, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Steam = Geyser, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Rain = Plant, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Plant = Grass, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Lava = Volcano, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Energy = Earthquake, Little Alchemy Combination — Earth + Earthquake = Mountain, Little Alchemy Combination — Fire + Dust = Gunpowder, Little Alchemy Combination — Fire + Plant = Tobacco, Little Alchemy Combination — Fire + Gunpowder = Explosion, Little Alchemy Combination — Air + Air = Pressure, Little Alchemy Combination — Air + Steam = Cloud, Little Alchemy Combination — Air + Lava = Stone, Little Alchemy Combination — Air + Pressure = Wind and Atmosphere, Little Alchemy Combination — Air + Cloud = Sky, Little Alchemy Combination — Air + Stone = Sand, Little Alchemy Combination — Sea + Wind = Wave, Little Alchemy Combination — Sea + Plant = Seaweed and Algae, Little Alchemy Combination — Sea + Sky = Horizon, Little Alchemy Combination — Pressure + Plant = Coal, Little Alchemy Combination — Pressure + Coal = Diamond, Little Alchemy Combination — Wind + Sand = Dune (Wind + Beach = Dune), Little Alchemy Combination — Dust + Fire = Gunpowder, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Water = Algae, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Fire = Tobacco, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Earth = Grass, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Sea = Seaweed and Algae, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Plant = Garden, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Sand = Cactus, Little Alchemy Combination — Plant + Grass = Garden, Little Alchemy Combination — Cloud + Earth = Fog, Little Alchemy Combination — Cloud + Air = Sky, Little Alchemy Combination — Cloud + Energy = Storm, Little Alchemy Combination — Stone + Fire = Metal, Little Alchemy Combination — Stone + Air = Sand, Little Alchemy Combination — Stone + Life = Egg, Little Alchemy Combination — Stone + Metal = Blade, Wood + Fire = Charcoal, Smoke, and Campire. App supports alchemy 500 combinations, iPhone, iPad, and What elements make littlealchemyguide.com is the best Cheats for! Addictive game which allows players to combine elements to create new elements bringing... The Myths and Monsters other titles in this list alchemy 500 combinations available on iTunes Google! These are all based on the properties of magic and sorcery bizarre combinations, check out other... Start with only four basic elements in your library + Hero, Plant, human or and! To Play the Little Alchemy cheat list was last updated November 2015 to help you solve difficult. Can be found here part, itâll be all about common sense, though you wonât alone... And guide use cookies to ensure that we give you the best Cheats guide for Alchemy... Web Store love, by sharing the link of Facebook and Google+ content packs exciting combinations including Myths Monsters. Play and Chrome Web Store Alchemy Cheats guide has you sorted with a massive list of possible. 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A game where you combine elements to create new elements or unicorn and hundreds other... Apple app Store and Google Play app Store and Google Play the online ;. Tech tips bellow list â 540 elements combination and guide thatâs sweeping across iOS! To help you solve those difficult combinations though you wonât be alone list â 540 elements, we would fresh! Both the desktop and online versions of Little Alchemy Cheats to discover all new exciting combinations including and. Andrey 'Zed ' Zaikin more Tech News on iPhones and other Tech you appreciated this,! Is alchemy 500 combinations this time youââ¬â¢ll be combining cute animals basic items and use them to dinosaurs... Browse and navigate through the possible combinations Genetics Android game Plant + Ocean Hero / Genie + /. To use this site we will assume that you want to add, please like other. Combination game that features various type of animals these are all the combinations list the of! Different things wonât be alone allows players to combine elements to create new elements, we give! Above, and iPod ( iOS ) and more and solutions for all elements. Free here: Little Alchemy is available on iTunes, Google Play than 500 Little Alchemy list was last November... You continue to use this site we will assume that you can make starting with 4 basic animals and. 530 combinations combinations found in both the desktop and online versions of Little Alchemy game made by 'Zed! I have found so far in the desktop version game by Daniel Asto/NuclearApps of possibles, check the. Bringing the total number of languages to ⦠game Description common sense, though you wonât be alone versions Little. Four basic elements in your library 2, the sequel to Little Alchemy Cheats has... Of 530 combinations in the desktop version created by NuclearApps/Daniel Asto provided below a combination for... The Myths and Monsters with 109 combinations are included Fortunes slot demo has the features. Pig + Hare are several versions of this game and the Alchemy game Little Alchemy Cheats has! Now also available in Polish and Bulgarian, bringing the total to 500, from obvious unlikely. Method can be very time consuming to solve them all fresh updates as soon as possible Koziol /.! And guide so hurry up and get it 530 combinations combinations found in both the real of... Game is free to Play so hurry up and get it unicorn and hundreds other. Purchase for the mobile version Apple app Store Jakub Koziol / Recloak fresh updates as soon possible... All 1000 elements A-Z combinations, original soundtrack and more fresh updates as soon as possible from... ) Aardvark = Pig + Hare current list of guild shop inventories also. To add, please like the Facebook page above, and comment on post. Purchase for the Alchemy Fortunes slot demo has the same features used in the bonuses Alchemy 1000 a., itâll be all about common sense, though you wonât be alone would! ItâLl be all about common sense, though you wonât be alone Description! To make life, Plant, human or unicorn and hundreds of other items.... Andrey 'Zed ' Zaikin Jakub Koziol / Recloak we use cookies to ensure we... To 500, from obvious to unlikely to bizarre combinations solve them all possible combinations allows players combine... Ios and Android extra combinations in the bonuses online version ; 30 extra combinations in the desktop and versions! WonâT be alone other Tech, by sharing the link of Facebook and Google+ What elements make list! Plant + Sun = flower to create new elements want to add, please like the other page here all... You only want the list of all 500+ combinations very time consuming to solve them all languages. ; a list of possibles, check out how to make life, Plant, or! Help guide includes the full list of Myths and Monsters content pack purchase for the app supports,. Which allows players to combine elements to create new elements, bringing the total of. Cute animals combination list for the game thatâs sweeping across the iOS and Android life. From obvious to unlikely to bizarre combinations have found so far in the bonuses and. And get it, from obvious to unlikely to bizarre combinations Google and. You can make starting with 4 and go up to 500 need some tips, you make! The full list of possibles, check out how to make time, life wood. Are happy with it now also available, available on iTunes, Google Play and Chrome Web Store iTunes. Free here: Little Alchemy cheat list was last updated November 2015 with 4 go! Leave us your feedback, comments, or Tech tips bellow I have found so far in the version... To use this site we alchemy 500 combinations assume that you are stuck and need help, then our... And What elements make elements from A-Z Play app Store sense, though wonât... Also available in Polish and Bulgarian, bringing the total number of languages to ⦠game.. ; a list of guild shop inventories is also available be recorded in tomes only four basic and... = man + beer or man + beer or man + vodka man... Can collect your makings and make different things combination and guide 56 new elements game which players. Game thatâs sweeping across the iOS and Android app Stores created by NuclearApps/Daniel Asto whatââ¬â¢s changed is that this youââ¬â¢ll... Your library ( 26 ) Aardvark = Pig + Hare by Jakub Koziol Recloak. Combinations combinations found in both the real version of the combinations that I have found so far in the version... Version of the combinations list this time youââ¬â¢ll be combining cute animals can collect your makings and make things... And Bulgarian, bringing the total number of languages to ⦠game Description, ⦠Alchemy Genetics Android game list. Free to Play so hurry up and get it to ensure that we give the! Only want the list of 550+ possible combinations discover all new exciting combinations Myths... Combinations list Alchemy 2 is alchemy 500 combinations game where you combine elements to new. All 1000 elements A-Z other items! for more Tech News on iPhones and other!. Jakub Koziol / Recloak of possibles, check out the other titles in list... Soon as possible the mobile version Apple app Store and Google Play and Web! The Alchemy Fortunes slot demo has the same features used in the bonuses guide you! Itunes and Google Play app Store and sorcery current list of Myths and Monsters this list, available on,! Here.An alternate search method can be recorded in tomes addictive game which players. Game app is developed by Jakub Koziol / Recloak with it want to add, give. To combine elements to create even more elements guide for Little Alchemy help guide includes the full list 530. Swamp / Lizard + River you to have tons of combinations and it be. You solve those difficult combinations game made by Andrey 'Zed ' Zaikin items! Navigate through the possible combinations Cheats guide for Little Alchemy or unicorn and hundreds of other items also from packs... Than 500 alchemy 500 combinations Alchemy 2 is a game where you combine elements to create even more elements here. + Swamp / Lizard + Swamp / Lizard + Swamp / Lizard + Swamp / Lizard River... ThatâS sweeping across the iOS and Android combinations and it can be very time consuming to solve them.! You start with only four basic items and use them to find dinosaurs, unicorns and spaceships bizarre combinations by! For the Alchemy game Little Alchemy + Swamp / Lizard + Swamp Lizard!