Python is better for small, simple things or for some specific fields like machine learning. Good on you. Didn't feel like C++ at all.My third was Objective-C, got a job with it, was scared by it. There is tutorial and library for everything even more so than python. The ideas are clearly illustrated in one line, which will work by itself on the Python console or in a file. Big hammer and small … Python vs. Java for Interviews. CONCLUSION (Java Vs Python): Which one is best for whom If you are a beginner and have a very little or no experience in a programming language, with no doubt Python is a better option for you. Python is popular for scripting and tooling. It's trivial to monkey patch any function/class anywhere, so you can mock any dependencies you need for testing. It is usually hard to go to languages like Java after doing Python whereas the leap from Java to Python is rather comfortable. learn python first up until OOP, then switch to C. If your looking to work in industry with servers go with Java, its the language of business. Concurrency/Parallelism - Python can only use a single CPU core due to the GIL, but Java doesn't have this restriction. Seconded if you're starting out. A number of universities, however, have switched to Python from Java, and others offer both — Java for computer science students and Python to teach programming skills for noncomputer science majors. Also DI frameworks such as Spring are fantastic. But after a year or so, start learning Java. Python - A clear and powerful object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java. We can’t tell you which language to choose, but rest assured that both languages will be relevant for years to come. For me C/C++ are just tedious and everything takes sooo many steps. When you see stuff like tensorflow with python libs underneath that python is 100x more C++. If you’re building a small application by yourself, PHP has three simple advantages. I like to write in a sloppy format while running on my stream of thoughts and tidy up later. This is the main difference between the topic’s languages. Talking about "C/C++" shows that you seems don't know both. And I don't want to write C ever again. I personally have seen large, well maintained python apps at the enterprise level so I wouldn't agree with the people who are saying it is only for small scripting. Its performance is also unacceptable for big data, or even just regular backend applications that need to scale. I'd say try one and/or the other, and go with whatever you understand best. It's 99% of the time a clickbait just showing you what proportion of public github repos use which language or a survey on how many dev say they live this or that language. But even that's not insurmountable. The main difference between the two languages is their typing method. I'm 6 months into "learning programming", and Python is the best to learn especially if you're like me and have zero knowledge of CS in general. Degree required it.My second was C#, published a game using it. The Java ecosystem is far more mature and comprehensive. The first noticeable difference in the discussion of Python VS JavaScript is that Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language.. Both will be very suitable for teaching programming. Both are incredible performing in their own way and implementing the unique purposes. Fun, functional, nothing like Java at all. Python is just gluing it together and making an easy to use api. Code written in C++ has to be re-compiled for every platform it’s deployed on, making it harder to write truly adaptive applications. Python 3.5 introduced type hinting, would make it easier out of the box for multi-person projects. Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences between Java vs. Python. Press J to jump to the feed. Perhaps the single biggest drawback to using C++ is that it isn’t as portable as Python or Java. Java vs Python vs Pyth [14 characters]: _"Hello World! The modern embarrassment of riches mixed up the ideas and brought a new one: you can use anything you want - … Yes, it doesn't have a closing quotation. For example, look what LegionSB said below. Ultimately, Students still need languages like java, c, and c++ simply because they teach different things well. So it mostly depends on what you want to do. Even if you are an individual from a background that is different from computer science and wants to do some programming to test some hypothesis or do some computation python is always a better choice. But when you want students to understand basic concepts, a language that gets out of the way is advantageous. Pyth just implicitly prints the output. Language choice is overrated, especially for learning. From this Infographic, you can easily see that Java is very verbose than Python.It takes 10 lines of code to read from a file in Java, while it only takes 2 lines of code in Python. This difference makes significant changes in the advantages and disadvantages of using each language. Java is the worst for taking input, because it's just unnecessarily complicated. Java is frequently used in high school advanced courses, so the transition to Java in college is a natural one for students. If you’re on OS X, there’s an existing system version of Python that came installed on your computer. Python can do a lot of the same functions as R: data wrangling, apps, engineering, feature selection web scraping, and so on. I can't imagine, due to how heavily used Java is, that it is going anywhere anytime soon. You can get a great job with it. As a beginner, I have to say I've always hated this type of answer; the "let me offer you some advice, which will not help you one bit at all" type of answer. Generally I prefer to begin with Python as long as we don't stop there. The choice between Java vs. Python isn’t really that kind of rivalry—the two languages typically have different use cases and fan bases. Like Python and Java, C++ is a fast, efficient, object-oriented language with a wide variety of use cases. In fact, they’re so different that they’ve become a nerdy Instagram metaphor for romantic incompatibility: But even that's not insurmountable. Python has terrible performance. Python is better for small, simple things or for some specific fields like machine learning. It really isn't. Or even more better, look at what hugthemachines has to say. I think Python is easier to read, but it's lack of static typing is the thing that keeps me from looking for seriously into it. Either should be fine. If there is no native implementation of your code, it will be slow. Python vs Java: Dynamic typing vs static typing. CPython suffers from the Global Interpreter Lock, which dramatically decreases its threaded performance. Lastly, I'd say the ability to read Java translates better to other languages than Python does to other languages because of the use of symbols to define scope and line termination. Speed: Java Is Faster Than Python. Python is the older of the two languages, first released in 1991 by its inventor, Guido van Rossum. Trent Fowler. Python maybe has a minor advantage over Java as a first language simply because there's a lower barrier to entry. YMMV. It’s outdate… My first was MATLAB. Java for Data Engineering Python for Data Science What is the basic idea/functionality behind MapReduce? I have learnt to hate python and tolerate Java. Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/java. The difference comes down to the fact that Python is a dynamically typed language while Java is a statically typed language. Or am I just over exaggerating how important the speed of the application actually is? I can say having learned Java first, Python seemed dirty when I went to learn it a few years later. Honestly I don't understand why people say that python is much more user friendly. Forcing everyone to document the types (which static typing does) is way better for working on multiperson projects. It's also not super for collaboration compared to OOP languages. Now that's some real advice there. Most important is to just pick one and get started. If you try one and you like it, don't bother with the other. The biggest difference between the two languages is that Java is a statically typed and Python is a dynamically typed.